Get started with the IFC for the holidays

Everything you need to know:

Sign up for a free trial membership to be able to log in and shop. Fill out the registration form; under ‘Membership Type’ choose ‘Trial Membership’. Memberships are normally $50 to start, and a $10 annual renewal fee after that. Shop with us for six months sans membership fee; if you like it, you may pay the fee and continue, if not, no further action is necessary.

There is never any obligation to buy; order only if you need, and if there are products you want. The winter season is typically thought of as ‘slow’ but we still have a lot of incredible items–meat, eggs, dairy, breads, baked goods, root vegetables, salad greens, coffee, kombucha, prepared foods, and more. Browse some of our products here.

Take our holiday challenge by signing this pledge form. It is not any sort of obligation, but a way to join the movement and agree to spending $25, $50, or $100 this holiday season. If we can get 1,000 people to agree to $50, we will be able to put $50,000 in local farmers’ pockets and keep our holiday spending dollars in Iowa this year. Please join us!

Do your shopping from Nov. 26-Dec. 1, then pick up your order Dec. 5.
Shop again from Dec. 10-15, and pick up your order Dec. 19.

Questions? Please let us know at and we will help you out.

PS Don’t forget to Like us on Facebook!


Click to enlarge this visual guide of the Iowa Food Coop.