All posts by Gary Huber

IFC Pick-up is this Thursday!

We had 202 members order 1,720 different items this cycle. Total purchases were about $12,000. Last year’s same cycle sales were $17,308, but that was for a three-week cycle, so sales actually increased by about 4% over the same time frame a year ago. 

If you are getting this message as an email, YOU ORDERED SOMETHING that needs to be picked up (each cycle a few people don’t realize they’ve ordered because we don’t use a check-out step).

Some quick info on distribution:

1. Specifics on on times and locations for all our sites are available with this link.


2. Our alternative pick up time will be from 10:30 to noon on Saturday, March 12. If you need to use this alternative pick up time, send an email to

3. We can accept EBT cards for payment ONLY AT OUR Franklin Plaza site. If you are an EBT member and are picking up at another location, please send an email to so we can arrange for processing your payment

Final note: It’s a good idea to check to be sure your pick-up site is correct. You can access your invoice by logging in, going to the shopping tab, and click “view in-process invoice”. If it’s not right, send an email to

IFC Distribution Today (Tomorrow in Ames)!

This is being sent via email to everyone who ordered this cycle and have products to be picked up. Today is distribution at our Osceola, Albia, Indianola, Ottumwa, and Des Moines area sites, and tomorrow is distribution in Ames. Our alternative pick up time is Saturday from 10:30 am to noon at our Franklin Plaza site. If you need to pick up then and haven’t told us already, please let us know with a call to 515-450-6812.

IFC Pick-up is this Thursday!

We had 231 members order 2,130 different items this cycle. Total purchases were about $14,220, which is about where we were with same cycle sales last year.

If you are getting this message as an email, YOU ORDERED SOMETHING that needs to be picked up (each cycle a few people don’t realize they’ve ordered because we don’t use a check-out step).

Some quick info on distribution:

1. Specifics on on times and locations for all our sites are available with this link.


2. Our alternative pick up time will be from 10:30 to noon on Saturday, Feb. 27. If you need to use this alternative pick up time, send an email to

3. We can accept EBT cards for payment ONLY AT OUR Franklin Plaza site. If you are an EBT member and are picking up at another location, please send an email to so we can arrange for processing your payment

Final note: It’s a good idea to check to be sure your pick-up site is correct. You can access your invoice by logging in, going to the shopping tab, and click “view in-process invoice”. If it’s not right, send an email to

An Inside Look: Country Roads Produce

The Seals Family at Country Roads Produce wanted to give Iowa Food Coop customers an update about what’s happening at their farm. They’re cutting back on their sales through IFC for the next few cycles while they prep their high tunnel for the first crop of tomatoes. We thought we’d take the opportunity to give you a behind the scenes look into a veggie grower’s life.

Country Roads Produce has provided us with amazing, high quality produce throughout the winter, including carrots, Chinese cabbage, kohlbrabi, lettuce, and more. We know our customers (IFC staff included) have looked forward to fresh veggies from Country Roads’ heated high tunnel.


Baby tomatoes waiting to be transplanted.

Baby tomatoes germinating in the greenhouse.


As consumers who have spent most of our lives shopping in conventional grocery stores it’s easy to forget that farmers grow food according to seasons and weather. At IFC we’re lucky to have several producers growing year-round in greenhouses and high tunnels, which means we can all enjoy fresh lettuce during a blizzard! The downside is that we have producers fall off for periods of time while they prepare for the next season. The old adage is really true in this case: A farmer’s work is never done.


High tunnels are not just a place for growing veggies on our farm, but also a great place to "grow" better ball players. The first game of catch for 2016.

High tunnels are not just a place for growing veggies on our farm, but also a great place to “grow” better ball players. The first game of catch for 2016.


While we’re sad we won’t see Country Roads Produce listing for the next few weeks, we are excited for what is to come. This summer they will have tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, squash, sweet corn, and cucumbers. They specialize in high tunnel tomato and pepper production, and hope their customers can enjoy a great tasting tomato in June. We can’t wait!

-I feel like I have bags of gold when I bring home my order from the coop! (3)


IFC Distribution Today (Tomorrow in Ames)!

This is being sent via email to everyone who ordered this cycle and have products to be picked up. Today is distribution at our Osceola, Albia, Indianola, Ottumwa, and Des Moines area sites, and tomorrow is distribution in Ames. Our alternative pick up time is Saturday from 10:30 am to noon at our Franklin Plaza site. If you need to pick up then and haven’t told us already, please let us know with a call to 515-450-6812.

IFC Pick-up is this Thursday!

We had 228 members order 2,123 different items this cycle. Total purchases were about $14,220, which is about where we were with same cycle sales last year.

We’d like to see some growth each cycle, but it seems there’s a lot competing for our attention, like caucuses and the Super Duper Bowl. Maybe we’ll get back on track when things return to more normality (as though that ever existed).

If you are getting this message as an email, YOU ORDERED SOMETHING that needs to be picked up (each cycle a few people don’t realize they’ve ordered because we don’t use a check-out step).

Some quick info on distribution:

1. Specifics on on times and locations for all our sites are available with this link.


2. Our alternative pick up time will be from 10:30 to noon on Saturday, Feb. 13. If you need to use this alternative pick up time, send an email to

3. We can accept EBT cards for payment ONLY AT OUR Franklin Plaza site. If you are an EBT member and are picking up at another location, please send an email to so we can arrange for processing your payment

Final note: It’s a good idea to check to be sure your pick-up site is correct. You can access your invoice by logging in, going to the shopping tab, and click “view in-process invoice”. If it’s not right, send an email to

IFC Distribution Today (Tomorrow in Ames)!

This is being sent via email to everyone who ordered this cycle and have products to be picked up. Today is distribution at our Osceola, Albia, Indianola, and Des Moines area sites, and tomorrow is distribution in Ames. Our alternative pick up time is Saturday from 10:30 am to noon at our Franklin Plaza site. If you need to pick up then and haven’t told us already, please let us know with a call to 515-450-6812.

IFC Pick-up is this Thursday!

266 members ordered 2,704 different items this cycle. Total purchases were just under $18,500, which is 12% more than same cycle sales a year ago now. Nice. Growth is good.

If you are getting this message as an email, YOU ORDERED SOMETHING that needs to be picked up (each cycle a few people don’t realize they’ve ordered because we don’t use a check-out step).

Some quick info on distribution:

1. Specifics on on times and locations for all our sites are available with this link.


2. Our alternative pick up time will be from 10:30 to noon on Saturday, Jan. 30. If you need to use this alternative pick up time, send an email to

3. We can accept EBT cards for payment ONLY AT OUR Franklin Plaza site. If you are an EBT member and are picking up at another location, please send an email to so we can arrange for processing your payment

Final note: It’s a good idea to check to be sure your pick-up site is correct. You can access your invoice by logging in, going to the shopping tab, and click “view in-process invoice”. If it’s not right, send an email to

What’s in Maryanne’s Basket?

What’s in Your Basket is a new feature of “The Dirt: IFC’s Blog,” where we feature a consumer of IFC and what is in their basket that week. Want to be featured on What’s in Your Basket? Send an email to Ash.

3 Easy WaysYou Can HelpIFC Find NewMembers!

Albia member Maryanne Anderson has been an avid shopper at Iowa Food Cooperative for over a year. While she has her own kitchen garden she says she loves that she can order fresh produce and canned items from Agri-Cultured and Juan O’Sullivan’s during the winter. She said that while she is a gardener she was “blown away” by the amazing selection at IFC.

Eating food grown by people who love what they do and care for the earth and their customers is huge for me. It is an experience I will never really get at a grocery store.

When we asked her what was the one thing she couldn’t live without from IFC her answer wasn’t something we sell, it was the energy of the community. “I can put a face to my food. I eat alone most of the time but I never feel like I do. With every meal I prepare and serve at my table comes with it, the dedication, the love, sweat and tears it took to grow everything. It’s like everyone is at the table and It fills me with such gratitude and has made me more aware.”

We love Maryanne’s commitment to and love of IFC’s community! We had to find out what she always has in her shopping cart.

Maryanne’s Must-Have Items


1. 7 Pines Beer Bread Mix and Herb Beer Mix (Add to your cart here!)

Her Tip: When I bake a loaf, I divide into thirds and freeze for later. I take each thirds and usually break it into chunks for soups and stews or use to dip into oil from Pickle creek. The herb mix was part of my Christmas meal.”

2. Bear Creek Certified Organic Canned Beef (Add to your cart here!)
Her Tip: I’ve been stocking this up for my pantry and to use for shepherds pie.

3. Lee’s Greens (Add to your cart here!)
Her Tip: I use their sweet potatoes for sweet potato soup, roasted with butter and cinnamon and mashed.

4. Country Roads Produce (Add to your cart here!)
Her Tip: I sautée their swiss chard in hemp oil with a drizzle of balsamic vinegar and toasted walnuts from from Grade A Gardens.

5. Hansen Dairy Heavy Cream (Add to your cart here!)
Her Tip: I put some in a quart jar with a pinch of salt and shake to make butter. I also whip some for a dollop on my World Peace Coffee and the rest will be used for baking scones.

6. Country View Dairy (Add to your cart here!)
Her Tip: I have their vanilla yogurt with Sunrise aronia berries and Grade A walnuts for breakfast dish/smoothies. I use their plain greek yogurt for topping my chili and sweet potatoes and to make my French onion dip mix.

Locavore Cooking Class at the Des Moines Social Club

This spring Iowa Food Cooperative is hosting the first Locavore Cooking Class series at the Des Moines Social Club. The first class in the series was January 5 and was a fantastic time! The theme was cooking with storage vegetables and featured frozen corn and apples from Iowa Choice Harvest, fresh greens and sweet potatoes from Lee’s Greens, and carrots from Huber Family Farm. Be sure to join in the fun by registering for our next class on February 2 where we’ll make Fettuccine Alfredo using Country View Dairy yogurt, Zaza’s Pastas, and Pickle Creek Herbal Garlic!

Local Food Cooking Classes

How the Class Works

Once everyone arrived in class we shared a champagne toast and introduced ourselves. Amanda Mae Phillips, Des Moines Social Club’s Culinary Director, said every time you cook it’s a celebration. We agree, especially if you’re cooking with fresh local ingredients! We divided into teams of 2-3 people to tackle the menu Amanda created for our class. Throughout the class Amanda was available for help, but we learned as much cooking with each other as we did from her!

Copy of 3 Easy WaysYou Can HelpIFC Find NewMembers!(6)

Salad with Corn-Apple Topping
One team created a warm topping for our salad mix from Lee’s Greens by heating the frozen sweet corn and apples from Iowa Choice Harvest and adding in pomelo, champagne, and seasoning for extra flavor.

Sweet Potato Wedges
We sliced our sweet potatoes from Lee’s Greens and coated them thoroughly with olive oil and spices from AllSpice. Then we grilled them until they were crispy but soft.

Carrot Gratin
The star of the show was Carrots Au Gratin made with Huber Family Farm Bolero carrots, WW Homestead Dairy Butter, and La Quercia pancetta. This was rich, creamy, and delicious!

Copy of 3 Easy WaysYou Can HelpIFC Find NewMembers!(7)

What Did People Say?

Once the meal was complete we sat as a group to enjoy our food and talk about why eating local is so important. We all agreed that even if it wasn’t good for our environment and community, eating local is still worthwhile because the food tastes so good!

It was so fun learning new ways to cook with local food! I love that the IFC is doing this and definitely plan to attend future classes.

-Shelene Billups, IFC member and class attendee

This class was both entertaining *and* educational! I learned how to turn locally sourced ingredients to fancy-pants dishes that could impress friends and family alike! The best part was sitting around with my classmates, enjoying the delicious foods we prepared and extolling the virtues of local veggies and the perfect egg sandwich. I will definitely be attending future classes.

-Liz Johnson, class attendee

As local food lovers it was refreshing to enjoy an amazing meal without having to do all the work, pick up a few new tricks, and get to take home leftovers. Included in the course fee was culinary instruction from DMSC’s Culinary Director, champagne, a delicious meal, leftovers to take home, and a bag of salad greens from Lee’s Greens!

Register for February’s Class Here!