We’ve been doing this dance with folks at Merle Hay Mall concerning when we need to vacate our current space. Yesterday we thought it would be after this week’s distribution. This morning (Tuesday), we found out we had to move today. We have moved back into the space we used at Merle Hay Mall when we started back in 2008.
Our new space is #1215. It’s the next mall entrance to the east of the one we currently use (behind the parking ramp that’s being torn down). You can still drive up to the door to pick-up. There is handicapped parking adjacent to the new entrance, and there is ample parking in the old parking area, with a short walk in or outside the mall. Please see the attached map for reference. Pick-up times and procedure will be the same as always.
Having trouble viewing the map? Click here.
We had 140 members order 1,789 different items this cycle. Total purchases were about $10,937, which is a nice way to start out August.
Pick-up is on Thursday at our Des Moines-area sites or Friday in Ames. *PLEASE NOTE! Merle Hay Mall space has moved! See above map for directions. Pick-up time and procedure will be the same.
Directions for finding specific locations can be found at the top of your invoice (access by logging in, going to the shopping tab, and click “view in-process invoice” on the left hand side of the page.)
Note: we still have an alternative pick-up time of 10:30 am to noon on Saturday at our Merle Hay Mall location. Please send an email to distribution@iowafood.coop if you are coming on Saturday.