Hello. We had 108 members order 1,102 different items this order cycle. Thanks for ordering local foods from your Iowa Food Cooperative producers. We’ll see you on Thursday or Friday when you come to pick up your orders.
Category: Reminder: Pick-up
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Pick up your order on Thurs. (10/4) or Friday (10/5)
Hello. We had 105 members order 1,174 different items this order cycle. Thanks for ordering local foods from your Iowa Food Cooperative producers. We’ll see you on Thursday or Friday when you come to pick up your orders.
Pick up your order this Thursday, Sept. 20th!
Hello. We had 106 members order 1,134 different items this order cycle. Thanks for ordering local foods from your Iowa Food Cooperative producers. We’ll see you on Thursday or Friday when you come to pick up your orders.
Pick up your order this Thursday, Sept. 6th!
Hello. We had 103 members order 1,138 different items this order cycle. That’s exactly the same number of members who ordered as last time, but 62 more products. Thanks a lot for ordering local foods and other items from your Iowa Food Cooperative producers. We’ll see you on Thursday or Friday when you come to pick up your orders.
Pick up your order this Thursday, August 23rd!
Hello. We had 103 members order 1,076 different items this order cycle. That’s up four members and 103 products from last cycle. Thanks for ordering from your Iowa Food Cooperative producers. We’ll see you on Thursday when you come get all those great products from our producers.
Pick up your order this Thursday, August 9th!
Hello. We had 99 members order 937 different items this order cycle. That’s down nine members and 125 products from last cycle – perhaps not surprising given that a new Whole Foods store opened since our last order cycle. We went to thank those of you who ordered through your Iowa Food Cooperative. We really appreciate that you use your cooperative for your food needs. We’ll see you on Thursday when you come get all those great products from our producers.
Pick up your order this Thursday, July 26th!
Hello. We had 108 members order 1,062 different items this order cycle. That’s down ten members and 56 products from last cycle – perhaps not surprising because of things like RAGBRAI and other summer stuff. But we really appreciate that you have used your Iowa Food Cooperative for your food needs. We’ll see you on Thursday when you come get all those great products from our producers.
Pick up your order this Thursday, June 28th!
Hello. We had 115 members order just over 1,000 different items this order cycle. Thanks for using your Iowa Food Cooperative for your family’s food needs.
Also, PLEASE NOTE that we still need to enter payments from the June 14th shopping cycle into our database (we are running a bit behind). Until this is done, the system does not know that payments for those charges have been made, so your invoices may indicate that you still owe us money. Sorry if that is the case. We’ll get it taken care of ASAP.
Pick up your order this Thursday, May 24th!
Hello. We had 130 members order 1,141 different items this order cycle. That down about 30 members from our May 3rd delivery. We aren’t sure why. Members people may be busy with school finishing up, plus farmers markets have started, but we are thankful you’ve ordered products from our producer-owners. It is a small but important action that supports a local food system where ownership of the distribution belongs to you, and where relationships and community matter.
Pick up your order this Thursday, May 3rd!
Hello. We had 162 members order 1,941 different items this order cycle. That up a few members from last cycle, which is good. We very much appreciate your using the IFC for your family’s shopping needs.
Note: We are a bit short on volunteer help for the different parts of what happens Thursday (9am-noon producer check-in, 12:30-3 pm mid-day sort, and 4-7 consumer pick-up), so if you have time and can help (even for an hour or two), send an email volunteer@iowafood.coop.