Cart to Close Tonight, Software Glitch Update

Still Time to Shop!

The shopping cart will close tonight (Sunday, Sept. 30th) at midnight with pick-up happening on Thursday, Oct. 4th at our Des Moines area locations and Friday, Oct. 5th in Ames. Below are a few updates on products added during the week. To shop go to and log in. If you need help with your username and password, please send an email to

Also, we think we figured out what was happening with the shopping cart system (we sent an email on this yesterday afternoon). It seems to only happen with the Internet Explorer 9.0 browser software. If you’ve been having this problem, please send an email to so we can dig a bit deeper.

The Berry Patch (from near Nevada) has added salad mix, arugula, red kale, baby green kale, and spinach from their greenhouse. 

Huber Family Farm (from near Maxwell) has added Ozette fingerling potatoes and parsnips.

Ali Family Garden (from Des Moines) added white potatoes.

Iowa Heritage Foods (from near Bloomfield) added prime rib roasts.