Garden on Garden is an urban farm right in Des Moines growing on a third of an acre! You can shop their products online here. Thanks Linda for sharing your story with us!Â
What is the name of your farm and where are you located?
Tell us a little about the make-up of your farm.
I just finished my second growing season on this 1/3 acre space that I rent from the city of Des Moines. It is basically a large urban garden. I own the business under my Food and You, LLC. I was new to growing on this much space as I have had a backyard vegetable garden for over 35 years, but wanted to expand to get more local, fresh produce into the mouths of Iowans. I am a registered dietitian and have always supported food and health.
What does your farm specialize in?
I grow a variety of vegetables. I try to include a few veggies that few growers have such as celery, delicata squash, and okra. I donate extras to DMARC and the south senior center.
Can you tell us a few things that make your signature product(s) special?
I include healthful recipes sometimes (and plan to do this more).
What is your farm’s biggest season?
I have vegetables from May through November as I grow a variety that are ready to harvest a variable times during the growing season.
What is the most important thing for consumers to know about your products?
I purposefully grow on a small scale so I can devote enough time to each product. I really want the produce to be healthful and in the best shape when the customer receives it. I continue to learn and appreciate when customers contact me with questions.
Do you have a funny/interesting/surprising story about your business?
My garden has been called the “Jurassic garden” for the tall fence we needed to keep the deer out….
Anything else we should know?
I have worked in local food system work for a number of years. I love to talk with others about having a large garden in the city and hope that others will start growing some of their own food or enough to share and sell to others.