IFC Shopping Cart is Open! July 31, 2012

Shop now for your August 9th pick-up!

Shop until midnight this coming Sunday (the 5th) with delivery on Thurs., Aug. 9th. See below for updates. To shop go to https://iowafood.coop and log in. If you need help with your username and password, please send an email to info@iowafood.coop

Updates #1:

Sunrise added certified organic Highlander peppers (the premiere roasting, green chili, and stuffing pepper – very mild heat ).

Grinnnell Heritage Farm added certified organic green and purple bell peppers.

Early Morning Harvest added purple basil (deep purple and green leaves, but same great basil flavor; will definately add color to your cooking) and cherry tomatoes (unbelievable sweet taste).

From LaVon with Griffieon Family Farm: Craig is slashing prices and wants the freezers emptied of cured hams! We are offering $.50/lb off on our smoked ham slices (usually $4.70/lb, but now $4.20). These are great for breakfast (then use the leftovers in scalloped potatoes for dinner). Also good on the grill. We are also marking down our smoked hams by $.30/lb, and our minute steaks by $.50/lb (stock up–the weather won’t be hot forever and chicken fried steak will taste great).

Huber Family Farm added LaRatte fingerling potatoes (unique nutty flavor and smooth, buttery texture).

Updates #2:

From Lori with Iowa Orchard: Our Jonagold apples, banana bits, and strawberry apple rings are temporarily unavailable, but we now have apple cider available in all flavors (cherry, cinnamon, cranberry, peach, raspberry).

Pure Native added Grain-free Peanut Butter Cup Mini-Biscotti that are topped with a dark chocolate drizzle (like heaven with your morning coffee or tea!).

From Becky with The Threshing Floor: The heat took care of my garden, so I’m not going to be able to list fresh produce. Sorry. Let’s hope August is cooler and wetter.

From Kristen (and her son Chess) with Live Now Rest Later: We are taking a break. Farming is harder than we thought. The squash bugs have taken over the swiss chard and the sun baked the basil. There isn’t a day in the garden that I don’t think about Little House on the Prairie and what a challenge it must have been to rely on their harvest for survival. It has been fun and rewarding though. Thanks for your support.