All posts by Gary Huber

Your Local Foods Thanksgiving Headquarters

Check out this visual guide to shopping local this Thanksgiving. Shop online until this Sunday, November 17, and delivery is at one of our five locations on November 21-23. See the checklist here, then go shopping here.


Heritage turkeys are going fast! Order now.


How about a capon instead of turkey this year? Matt of Holdeman Poultry promises you'll never go back.

How about a capon instead of turkey this year? Matt of Holdeman Poultry promises you’ll never go back.
See the selection here.


Don't forget the pie! This one from Gardner's Harvest. Check out our entire selection of Iowa made pies:

Don’t forget the pie! This one from Gardner’s Harvest. Check out our entire selection of Iowa made pies.

 Fresh greens from Iowa; no need to outsource here.

Fresh greens from Iowa; no need to outsource here.

 Cloverleaf dinner rolls for your table.

Cloverleaf dinner rolls for your table.
See the entire selection of breads and rolls.


 Free-range eggs for all your baking needs.

Free-range eggs for all your baking needs.
Check them out.



Greg Maxwell of Maxwell Farms suggests Iowa grown potatoes for your dinner. More varieties than the grocery store, that's for sure.

Greg Maxwell of Maxwell Farms suggests Iowa grown potatoes for your dinner. More varieties than the grocery store, that’s for sure.


This butterkin squsah from Glenwood Century Farm is part butternut squash, part pumpkin. Or choose a Long Island Cheese pumpkin from Quaking Bog Botanicals for your homemade heirloom pumpkin pie.

This butterkin squsah from Glenwood Century Farm is part butternut squash, part pumpkin. Or choose a Long Island Cheese pumpkin from Quaking Bog Botanicals for your homemade heirloom pumpkin pie.
Start baking local pumpkin pie here.

Fresh herbs take your cooking to another level. Shown here is sage from Red Barn Produce.

Fresh herbs take your cooking to another level.
Shown here is sage from Red Barn Produce.


Carrots are a must. Chemical-free as well. Baby carrots also available.

Carrots are a must. Chemical-free as well. Baby carrots also available.


Iowa-made Gouda cheese is welcome at any table. Their newest addition is black pepper Gouda.

Iowa-made Gouda cheese is welcome at any table. Their newest addition is black pepper Gouda.



Summer sausage keeps the guests happy while dinner cooks.

Summer sausage keeps the guests happy while dinner cooks.

The secret to the best apple pie? Local apples, of course!

 Secret: Greek yogurt makes incredible mashed potatoes.

Tip: Greek yogurt makes incredible mashed potatoes.


Pumpkin Pie Pecan Toffee. No explanation needed.

Pumpkin Pie Pecan Toffee. No explanation needed.

Also consider a donation to help families in need purchase local food. The current statistic is that 1 in 5 Iowa children goes to bed hungry every night.

Also consider a donation to help families in need purchase local food. The current statistic is that 1 in 5 Iowa children goes to bed hungry every night.

Try our membership for free, which means all you have to do is complete the membership form, go shopping, and pay for what you buy. You’ll enjoy a free membership for six months!

IFC Shopping Cart is Open; IFC Annual Mtg Tomorrow

IFC Annual Meeting

Please join us tomorrow in Waukee for our annual meeting. Click here for details and send an email to if you are coming.

Time to Go Shopping for Thanksgiving!

The shopping cart opened last night at midnight. It’ll close at midnight on Sunday, Nov. 10. Pickup is Thurs., Nov. 21 at our Des Moines area locations and Friday, Nov. 22 at our Ames location. Note: if you have a conflict with this schedule, our alternative pick up time from 10:30 am to noon on Sat., Nov. 23.

See below for new stuff. To shop go to and log in. If you need help with your username or password, send an email to Also, click here for a Thanksgiving shopping checklist. Not sure everything on the list is available, but it might be helpful in getting ready.

A limited number of turkeys are available from Griffieon Family Farm and Iowa Heritage Foods. Excellent turkey substitutes include Whole Capons or Capon Roulade from Holdeman ABF Poultry (click here for a recipe). 

Lee’s Greens, LLC has arugula, leaf lettuce mix, baby red and green kale, swiss chard, and spinach listed.

Quaking Bog Botanicals has two new listings – Peruvian Purple Potatoes and Jerusalem Artichokes.

From Julie at Broadhorn Farm: “Our Sirloin Tip Roasts are on sale. Were $5.88/lb, now $5/lb. Our Top Sirloin Steak is also on sale. Were $, now $8/lb.”

From Bob at Country View Dairy: “Just changed the price on five of our Greek Yogurts for a $2 off sale, and also brought down the price on 6 oz vanilla by $1.”

From Jocelyn at Pickle Creek Herbals: “We’ve added a couple of new things for the holidays, including our Rosemary Infused Olive Oil (makes fantastic potatoes and is exceptional for bread dipping or making grilled cheese sandwiches). We also have a special holiday soap and lip balm scent called Christmas Thyme (smells like fresh oranges and Christmas trees.”

Krieger Greenhouses is back with several fresh produce items, including Baby Turnips, Butternut Squash, Beets, and Baby Carrots.

Twin Girls Gardens is also back with seven incredible jam and jelly products (try their Autumn Jam for a real treat).

Wedel Grazing Acres has pork chops back in stock and Huber Family Farm added some new varieties of potatoes (Reba, Red Lasoda, and Ozette Fingerlings).

Yoke S Ranch has hamburger patties on sale for $4/package (regularly $5.50) and short ribs on sale for $4.50/lb (regularly $5.50).

Raccoon Forks Farm added garlic (got to have garlic).

Your Local Foods Thanksgiving Checklist

The next distribution cycle is timed so pick-up will happen the Thursday before Thanksgiving. The cart will open on Friday of this week (the 8th). It’ll close at midnight on Sunday Nov. 17th with distribution on Thurs. November 21. We’ll send out the cart-is-open email at the end of this week.

Here is a list of holiday-related foods that are available through the IFC; as always, feel free to contact producers if you have something  particular that you need for your holiday celebration, they often welcome custom orders.



Pick-up Thursday at DM area sites or Friday in Ames

We had 156 members order 1,695 different items this cycle. Total purchases were just over $10,600. Pick-up is on Thursday at our Des Moines-area sites or Friday in Ames. Specifics on times and locations are to the left if you are receiving this as an email.

We have an alternative pick-up time of 10:30 am to noon on Saturday at our Merle Hay Mall location. Please send an email to if you are coming on Saturday.

Also, you can access your invoice access by logging in, going to the shopping tab, and click “view in-process invoice” on the left hand side of the page.)

Note: we are running a bit behind in entering payments from last cycle into the system, so your invoices may incorrectly show an amount due from last cycle at the bottom. Please disregard.