All posts by Gary Huber

Pick up your order this Thursday, May 3rd!

Hello. We had 162 members order 1,941 different items this order cycle. That up a few members from last cycle, which is good. We very much appreciate your using the IFC for your family’s shopping needs.

Note: We are a bit short on volunteer help for the different parts of what happens Thursday (9am-noon producer check-in, 12:30-3 pm mid-day sort, and 4-7 consumer pick-up), so if you have time and can help (even for an hour or two), send an email

Products Added; Meet Lisa Bean, IFC Distribution Coordinator

Shopping cart still open!

Shop until midnight on Sat., April 28th, with delivery on Thursday, May 3rd. Please check us out! To shop go to and log in. If you need help with your username and password, please send an email to

Product Updates:

The Iowa Food Cooperative added 16×20 limited-edition signed and numbered prints (product #3020) that were created as a fundraiser by IFC member Rick Vonholdt. Because of the age of the materials and press used by Rick, each print is unique.

Twin Girls Garden is back with this message: Both rhubarb and dandelions are in season, so we are making our Rhubarb Butter and Dandelion Jelly. Both are an excellent tasting of all spring in Iowa has to offer. We also are listing our Jalapeno Jam, Chocolate Cherry Jelly, and Chocolate Raspberry Jelly.

Valley View Poultry has started to process chickens again; they’ve listed boneless skinless breasts, leg quarters, thighs, and wings.

Iowa Heritage Foods got their egg handlers license, so they’ve added eggs as well for the first time ever.

Foxhollow Farm added eggs in recycled plastic cartons.

Meet Lisa Bean:

Lisa Bean has stepped forward to volunteer to serve as our Distribution Coordinator.  This job is crucial because nearly 2,000 products are delivered on a typical distribution day. Making sure they are handle appropriately and get to the people who ordered them are big tasks.

Recruiting plenty of volunteer help is another big part of the job (and we are always looking for more people willing to help; just send an email to to sign up).

Lisa joined the IFC in early 2010. She’s been a regular distribution volunteer, so she knows about the work involved in our distribution activities.  She grew up in Manhattan, went to Duke for her undergraduate degree (botany and education), and taught high school for five years in West Virginia. She got a master’s in horticulture from West Virginia University before coming to Iowa with her family. She is married with four children and lives on an acreage west of Waukee.

Lisa cares deeply about the environment and small farmers, which are key motivations behind her involvement in the IFC. She’s also a joy to be around. Please welcome her aboard –

Let the Shopping Begin! April 19, 2012

The shopping cart is now open!

Shop until midnight on Sat., April 28th, with delivery on Thursday, May 3rd. Choose from over 900 different products from over 40 different producers (see below for updates from producers). Lots and lots of transplants for your home gardening dreams, plus fresh rhubarb. Please check us out!

To shop go to and log in. If you need help with your username and password, please send an email to

Product Updates:

Two Rivers Honey: I’m about out of my last year’s honey, and this year’s crop isn’t quite ready. The bees are getting some comb filled, but nothing is really quite full and nothing is capped. Therefore, I’ve removed our honey. Sorry. Hopefully they’ll get some capped soon!

The Berry Patch: We’ve updated by adding strawberry hanging baskets, plus more blueberry plant varieties (Rubel is an older type that is very high in anti-oxidants and flavor). We’ve also added zucchini and swiss chard.

SalAmander Farms: My updates are done: in addition to the herb and heirloom veggie transplants I had already listed, I’ve added a new tomato variety (#2954) and a new eggplant variety (#2955).

The Homestead: We added 4″ pots and 4-packs of a wide variety of Certified Naturally Grown tomato and pepper transplants, and we’ve also got a variety of veggie transplants for sale (and some butternut winter squash that we managed to keep since last fall’s harvest).

Wagner Enterprises: We’ve added a couple of sizes of cheesecake – half and quarter pans. They went over really well at the open house, so we thought we give them a try online.

Producer Updates:

From Mabel Chupp with Country Lighthouse Bakery: We are moving to south of Atlantic, IA, so this will be my last cycle. All I’m listing is our fresh rhubarb. It has been wonderful to be part of the coop. Thanks to everyone.

From Lorna Martin and Wildwood Farms: I have unlisted myself for this cycle.  This spring and summer I will be participating in only the second ordering cycle each month, so I will have more time to spend on my garden, farmer’s markets and with my daughter.

From Pam at Krieger Greenhouses: We have updated our product listing to none available for the next few cycles. The next couple months are our busy season.

From Carrie Meyer at LaVentosa Ranch: We’ll be taking this cycle off because the first farmers market of the season will be on the following Saturday. The first one is always a challenge, so we need to be focused on getting ready.

Pick up your order this Thursday, April 12th!

Hello. We had 157 members order 1,881 different items this order cycle. That’s 30 members more who ordered product this time compared to last cycle. Thank you to everyone who is using the Iowa Food Coop to buy local foods from local farmers.

We remain short on volunteer help for the different parts of what happens Thursday (morning producer check-in, mid-day sort, and 4-7 consumer pick-up), so if you have time and can help (even for an hour or two), send an email

Also, don’t forget our Spring Open House and Plant Sale this coming Saturday (April 14) from 9:30 am to noon at our Merle Hay Mall location.

Iowa Food Coop Spring Plant Sale and Open House!

Come join the Iowa Food Coop

  April 14,  9:30am to 12noon

 for our Spring Plant Sale and Open House! 

We will have lots

 of transplants for sale,

oodles of baked goods, honey and

many other terrific products for sale and to sample!

We are located in our new space in Merle Hay Mall,

on the south side,

just inside  the Kohls – Aeropostale entrance.

See you there!




A post from Small Potatoes

The spring air is thick with anxiety.  We are suspicious and uncomfortable b/c of the unseasonable weather.   The robins are back, we’ve seen bumble bees, wasps, cabbage looper moths, June bugs; the daffodils and tulips have come and gone.  Things are moving too fast and we feel behind.  We’ve not done taxes or usual early spring projects, like repairs, vehicle maintenance, etc., because we are alreay in the fields weeding, watering, and planting.  I harvested 2 pounds of asparagus yesterday and several green onions…unheard of in March.   I feel like labor came early, the baby is about to arrive, yet we’re not ready.  The mid-wife isn’t here and we haven’t a crib, a car seat, or any diapers.

Rick was very trepidatious 2 weeks back; I had to talk him into, no exhort him, into planting spinach and lettuce.  Now that it’s been 80 degrees or close for 2 weeks he has come to terms with the early spring and planted peas and more lettuce last night.  He worked until dark, something we usually don’t start doing until at least mid-May.

He worked until dark, something we usually don’t start doing until at least mid-May.

Our new employee starts today, a full month early.  To assess his skills we are going to clean the chicken coop, the most unsavory tast at the farm in my opinion.  This will test his committment and ablility to work as part of a team.  He will work under my direction as we begin cleaning the packing shed, thus testing is abililty to follow insructions, multi-task, and attention to detail.  We will have him dig a 6 foot deep hole to check his endurance and strength.  We’ll train him on the use of the Japanese hoe and set him loose in the rhubarb.  This task will show us if he is a fast learner and can master the most used tool at the farm.  Finally, I’m making venison loin over kale for lunch to test his openness to a variety of foods.

Oh how I miss Brian.   After working here for 3 years he knew what to do and how to do it.  He needed little instruction and no supervision. Now we must retrain somone on everything: weeding, washing, harvesting, packaging…the list seems endless.  Moroever, we must create a new relationship.   With Brian and we had our inside jokes, we knew his idiosyncracies and he ours, he knew the protocals (shoes off at the door, tools back to the barn, check the chicken water on hot days, etc.).  Brian being here made a very complex and arduous job bearble and even enjoyable on a daily basis.  The thought of starting at zero with a new employee makes me weary.   But so it is.  As Buddha said: “Everything you cherish you shall lose.”

There is a woodpecker outside my window, a pheasant is calling along the fence line, and I can see a row of lettuce emerging.  Life goes on, and I most go clean the chicken coop.

Seeking in my hut
For unlocked midnight treasures
A cricket burglar

Fresh greens, ground flour, wheatgrass…it’s March at the IFC!

The Iowa Food Cooperative – central Iowa’s year-round source for local food – has opened its shopping cart for the next cycle.

  • Cart Opens: March 8, 2012
  • Cart Closes: March 17, 2012
  • Pick-up: March 22, 2012


Choose from over 880 different products from over 40 different Iowa producers.


    • Olson Family Farm is a new producer-owner from near Madrid that has listed extra large and jumbo brown eggs for the first time this cycle.
    • Wildwood Farms added fresh salsa (it’s under Prepared Foods-Refrigerated/Frozen)

      Fresh Salsa - Medium Hot

    • Iowa Orchard added 1) frozen pies (in Desserts under Prepared Foods-Refrigerated/Frozen), 2) apple nut, peach, and blueberry coffee cake (in Cake under Baked Goods, 3) apple, cherry, and peach crisps (fresh in Crisps under Baked Goods, frozen in Desserts under Prepared Foods-Refrigerated/Frozen), and 4) dried fruits (in Prepared Foods/Non-Refrigerated).
    • Grandma’s Soap added pastel & natural color spring egg baskets($7.00 each/3 eggs – just in time for Easter!)

      Soap - Spring Basket, Pastel Colors

    • Krieger Greenhouses is back this cycle with twelve different fresh bagged herbs,trays of live wheatgrass, and a selection of herb gardens.
    • SalAmander Farms added Marjoram and Sage herb transplants (both can take light frost after they are hardened off, or you can keep them in their plantable paper pots until your ready).
    • Hedgeapple Farm has split their business in two by moving their fiber products into a new producer identify, which is Hedgeapple Fiber Studio.
    • The Berry Patch added 4 to 8″ tall basil plants in 4.5″ pots (to put in your window for your own FRESH basil).
    • Early Morning Harvest added various ground grain and flour products (two-grain cereal, corn flour, corn grits, general purpose flour, wheat cereal), plus a bagged lettuce mix to go along with their lettuce bouquets.
    • Pure Native added Grain-Free Peanut Butter Cookies (“I’m getting rave reviews on these”) and Snickerdoodle Muffins.
    • Foxhollow Farmadded duck and goose eggs, plus heritage chicks (to be picked up at their farm near Elkhart) and fertilized heritage-breed eggs (for hatching at home).

      Heritage chicks and fertilized eggs


To shop use and type in your username and password to log in. If you need help with your username and password, please send an email to

About the cooperative –

New Location

If you haven’t visited the new location yet,  come see it!  Its bright and shiny and yes, we have a bathroom! (tears of joy were shed by the volunteers!)  We are  just inside the south entrance to Merle Hay Mall near Younkers (there’s a big Kohls sign and a smaller Aeropostale sign above the door.  We are also going to a three week cycle when we are not in the summer two week cycle, which I think is fabulous, here is a link to the calendar, we also have hard copies available, be sure to pick one up the next time you pick up your order.

Details will be coming soon, but in case you missed it, we have an attractive Iowa Food Coop print available for purchase, and it is suitable for framing.  This print is in handset type, printed on an old fashion hand cranked printing press!  Deck the Halls is offering a 30% off coupon on framing and each print is signed and numbered.  This really is an attractive print, Gary will be sending out pictures and more details soon, so keep an eye out.  Why am I so enamored with this print?  Because its the Coop of course!  I remember being so envious of a friend who had an Iowa, P.  Buckley Moss print, but guess what?  I can have my OWN Iowa Food Coop print, which is even more meaningful and dear!

I recently purchased a great product from Rosebud Botanicals, it was #2612,  Organic Anti-Aging Serum.  I don’t know about you, but I have tried just about every anti-aging whatevers on the market, and have either been severly dispappointed in myself for wasting my money and breaking my face out in a rash, or disappointed in the product for lying!  But, I am very pleased with this product!  For me, it does just what it promises, with no rash or disappointment!  And, compared to the other products on the market, this is very reasonably priced.  No I am not a paid spokesperson, nor am I compensated for my testimonial.  I am just a pleased consumer.

This last cycle, one of our regular consumer’s purchased Hedgeapple Farms dryer balls, and she reported they are fantastic!  They really work as expected and will save you money in that you won’t have to purchase dryer sheets!  I love hearing news like this!  Just think of all the chemicals you will NOT be exposing to our lakes, streams and air and your family, when you use the laundry soap and dryer balls from our IFC producers!  Not to mention, supporting our local and family businesses!

One more thing,  Grandma’s Soap, offers a multi-purpose cleaner, and I mean its multi-purpose.  I own a cat, or rather my cat owns me, and cats will always do one thing, puke on your carpet.  I didn’t have any spot cleaner upstairs, so I grabbed my Grandma’s multi -purpose cleaner, and guess what?  It cleaned the stain!  I do have berber carpet, so maybe that helped, or not, I don’t know.  Spot test before using, but, I am still amazed it took care of  the stain, here is another example of a great product that does not add any unneccessary chemicals to your life!  Grandma’s Soap also offers laundry soap, as does Heart of Iowa Soapworks.  So when you start planning your spring cleaning, start out greener and cleaner with these great IFC products!

We are back in business!

The shopping cart is now open!

Shop until midnight on Sat., Feb. 25th, with delivery on Thursday, March 1st.

We’ve completed the move to our new space, which is just inside the south entrance to Merle Hay Mall near Younkers (there’s a big Kohls sign above the door). Note: we are going to a three-week delivery cycle until the growing season, and then delivery will be every other week until Thanksgiving. We’ll place a calendar with our new schedule on the website.

Also, to shop use and type in your username and password to log in. If you need help with your username and password, please send an email to

  • Wildwood Farms is a new producer from Wellsburg. Operated by Lorna Martin, she’s listed 18 baking mixes, 3 soup mixes,3 types of granola bars, and 5 types of roasted nuts. Lorna writes: “We are excited to  join the IFC and share the products we love with a new group of local food fans.”
  • Two Rivers Honey is a new producer (operated by Denise & Kevin Kimsey) based just outside Pilot Mound that has four honey products listed (with more products to come).
  • Wagner Enterprises added 6 new baked goods items: cornbread muffins, chocolate and regular cheesecake, wet bottom shoo fly pie, baked apples, and old fashioned gingerbread.
  • Iowa Orchard added 3 new flavors of dried apple rings (regular, strawberry, honey cinnamon – find them in the apple category) and as 12 new gluten-free pies in two sizes.
  • Grandma’s Soap added Goat’s Milk Soap (local milk) and Castille/Olive Oil Soap.
  • The Berry Patch listed half pound bags of salad mix (red lettuce, broccoli, white and red kale, arugula) from their greenhouse.
  • Early Morning Harvest added corn meal and two types of wheat flour made from their certified organic crops.
  • Novae Vita Farm added various beef cuts from their grass-fed herd of Dexter cattle.
  • Daily Bread Bakeryadded certified organic whole grain garlic tomato herb bread .
  • Becca from Crooked Gap Farmwrites: “We just brought another hog back from the locker and have a number of cuts available that were not listed last month. A few of these are Iowa Chops, Butterfly Chops, Bacon, Italian Sausage, and Breakfast Sausage Patties.”
  • Yoke S Ranch added a rolled rump roast from their Corriente cattle.
  • Ebersole Cattle Companyadded “Pot Pies FOR Chickens” in the pet food category: “Made with our tallow, these Pot Pies include scratch grains & grit. These will keep,your girls happy & more likely to lay when there aren’t bugs and grass to eat.”
  • Weisshaar Family Farm added bone-in arm roast and bone-in chuck roast.
  • Wild Rose Pastures added pre-cooked whole smoked pasture-raised turkeys and grass-fed ground beef from their heritage belted galloway “oreo cattle” breed.
  • Wheatgrass on the Go added five-inch pots of fresh, live wheatgrass.


Several producers are taking a break: Krieger Greenhouses, Heavy Horses Farm, Live Now Rest Later,Twin Girls GardensGrinnell Heritage Farm,Hibbs Farms, Del Gloria Elk Products, and LaVentosa Ranch. Also, Jasper Winery decided to stop offering their products (you can still buy Iowa wine through the IFC from Rosey Acres). Katie with Jasper sent this note: “Thanks so much for the opportunity and good luck with the success of the coop!”.